Awl Bookbinder's Large with Shaped Handle

Bookbinding Supplies

This high-quality handheld bookbinder's awl comes with a natural reddish-brown wooden handle.  Suitable for large, thicker signatures as well as piercing leather.  Overall length is 7 inches.  Awls are used for piercing holes in signatures or for stab bindings prior to sewing.  

Note:  Do not use with a hammer.

Awl Bookbinder's Large with Shaped Handle

Bookbinding Supplies
Awl Bookbinder's Large with Shaped Handle

Awl Bookbinder's Large with Shaped Handle

Bookbinding Supplies

This high-quality handheld bookbinder's awl comes with a natural reddish-brown wooden handle.  Suitable for large, thicker signatures as well as piercing leather.  Overall length is 7 inches.  Awls are used for piercing holes in signatures or for stab bindings prior to sewing.  

Note:  Do not use with a hammer.